Wedding Fashions in the time of Jane Austen I've just been to a lovely spring wedding, and it got me thinking about the wedding fashions of the Georgian and Regency period. From the 1790s a wedding dress in white became the fashionable garment to wear, taking over from the white and silver dresses that had been worn by wealthy young women. Waistlines rose, sleeves became shorter and lace accessories not so regularly worn, although the bridal veil started to make its appearance at this time. Simple styles worn with less jewellery and diamonds were the order of the day, and lace veils were worn draped over the head for evening wear as well as wedding attire. 1804 The sheerest muslin from India was the most fashionable fabric, but silk, gauzes, fine cottens and linens also formed the basis of a wedding outfit. Machine made net, often embroidered was an alternative. The actress Elizabeth Farren who married Lord Derby at his house in Grosvenor Square in May, 1797