It is Mother's Day in the USA on May 11th. In celebration of mothers everywhere, I have a competition to win a copy of Lydia Bennet's Story. The competition is open to everyone, regardless of the country in which you live.
Please e-mail your answers (don't forget to include your name) to effusions at btinternet dot com (say it out loud). The winner will be announced on Saturday, 10th May.
Answer the following questions:-
1. What are the names of Lydia Bennet's sisters?
2. Who takes Lydia Bennet to Brighton?
3. What is the name of the man that Lydia marries in Pride and Prejudice?
Good Luck!
Please e-mail your answers (don't forget to include your name) to effusions at btinternet dot com (say it out loud). The winner will be announced on Saturday, 10th May.
Answer the following questions:-
1. What are the names of Lydia Bennet's sisters?
2. Who takes Lydia Bennet to Brighton?
3. What is the name of the man that Lydia marries in Pride and Prejudice?
Good Luck!